NEW for the 17/18 academic year and coming to a staff room near YOU, are the LTSU’s drop in ASK sessions!
Each week in Clifton and City, a member of the LTSU will be available to answer any Learning Technology niggling queries you may have, support you with any issues and pass on any super new tool, ideas and projects that we have come across and that might be of interest to you and your students. Services we can offer and current projects we are involved in can be found in this blog post.
Starting w/b 3rd October 2017, the sessions will be:
- Clifton – Tuesday, 10am-11am on the 3rd floor in MAE
- City – Tuesday, 10am-12pm, DiCE S04
Come by and see us 🙂
Rachel Challen
Principal Lecturer (Learning, Teaching and Staff Development Manager)
Athena SWAN Champion
Ext: 83895
MAE011(Clifton) DICe S04 (City)